Life at

Escrow Infotech

02nd June 2016 to Present

This blog is about my journey at Escrow Infotech, hold your seats and let's go for a ride...

Today, it's 07th April 2020, Escorw Infotech's 11th Anniversary plus lockdown bcause of COVID-19 virus. And we can not celebrate it by gathering, we have to stay at home so we are told to share something about our journey, show our talent by dancing, singing and believe me you don't wanna see me dancing or singing. So I am writing this blog to share my experience.

Hi, this is Rahul Singh, Product Manager at Escrow Infotech.

I started my jorney with Escrow family on o2nd June 2016 as an intern. First day or I would say first several months at work it was really scary, I almost wanted to quit and join some other organization, but somehow I stayed, don't know why or how, May be I love being in Surat so I never wanted to leave...

After working for sometime, I started to like it and I found my way up to corporate ladder (for more information about my growth you can visit my LinkedIn page), what more one could ask from an organization.

Best thing about Escrow is (atleast for me) that CEO (Ashish Sir) knows how to code, so he can understand what we are trying to say, how much time is required all those work culture things.

I have been working with Escrow Infotech since 4 years from now and journey is so far so good till now, fingers crossed for future. :D

Everyone is great, working with them is no stress at all.

I have learned so much from my seniors as well as juniors.

I am really bad at expressing things, so what I am gonna do is, upload some pics about my jouney. It will include all our office, our tours everything.
